Baby & Mother Garden Service Ltd

Over 22 years professional services

The post-natal care helpers of “Smart Baby Care”

  • Tailor-make post-natal menu, including nutritional soup, chicken wine, herbal tea, ginger fried rice, pork knuckles and ginger stew, etc., according to the mother’s physical condition and needs to faciliate recovery
  • Assist in breast feeding (if necessary)
  • Prepare ginger bathing water
  • Help relieve the emotional stress of the mother
  • Escort for medical follow-up consultation (if necessary)
[ Employment Agency License : 62380 ] 

Professional services more than 15 years of experience


Confinement companion matching Contract matching is guaranteed
Follow up by someone and interview

Baby care

Milk feeding, napkin changing, bathing, cleaning umbilical cord, washing baby clothing and sterilising milk bottles, etc

Follow-up Service

Will follow-up with employers on the performance of the infant and child care helpers

Job Duties

Duties of the post-natal care helpers can be varied according to the actual needs of the employers. They include: Baby care ,  Post-natal Mother Care , Skills Coaching, Simple Housework

Service Duration

The service period is to be mutually agreed by the employer and the post-natal care helper, which can vary from a few days to a few months depending on needs. In general, the service of post-natal care is one month, with five or six days’ work a week, and 6 to 24 hours’ work a day.

There are relatively fewer post-natal care helpers who could work for 12 hours or more a day.


Whatsapp : 63231089

Inquires     : 2781 3532

  • Kowloon : Flat 2214 Mira Place, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui